Dancing all over with Nicky, Mary, Racheal and Georgina


“I am glad I found dancing”

Moves One-handed (RR)

Arm over

A non move or pre-move for something more elaborate. However, perfect for blues music.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Arm over double

Make you own shuffle once arms are over. Method 2 for right to right start.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Catapult Duck

Put your hand centrally behind your back when ducking.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Catapult Hook (left handed)

Arm hook travelling from catapult.

Song: JVLA - Such a Whore, Supported by #CopyrightFreeTunes

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level


An element of rueda.

A basic element in jive - perhaps add a flick spin to it.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


One of those I did once by chance with Megan then forgot how I did it. Re-discovered.

Music: Flight Hymn - Ross Bugden.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty leveltrophy - difficulty level

The knee

Credit to Alistair who can't do a single dance without putting this in.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Easy easy easy, yet lots, shall we say, feign lead and follow.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Pretzel Subterfuge

Often comes about unintentionally when follower doesn't see your hand.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Pretzel Wrap

Aka the straight jacket.

Experts: Do it left handed and right handed.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty leveltrophy - difficulty level


Can be done moving forward or on the spot.

Track: Clarx - Zig Zag (NoCopyrightSounds)

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level


If at first you don't succeed ...

We will have to try and try again.

I am trying to replicate what I felt with Georgina some years back. It felt exquisite through the arms. Ignoring what it looks like, it felt special. Of the tens of other ladies that I have done this roll with, nothing has come close to that sensation.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

Round the world

Turn forward and backwards if you please.

Music: Grunge Instrumental, Wayne John. (Royalty Free)

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Salsa Curtsy

Seen more often in Salsa than jive, but excellent as expressive move.

See end of video - you can do multi drops.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Shoulder Release

How you get there doesn't matter. With hands on your shoulder let go and offer below.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Side to side

Basic fill move.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

All Together Now

From standing start or catapult and stall.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level


Ultra easy but nice to do from time to time. Follower need not know the steps beforehand - just copy along.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Beginner move

Right handed and left handed

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Basic demo here - you can jazz up when you have it nailed.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

Yo-yo turn

Smooth variant of the standard yo-yo

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Page Two >>>>>


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The Plough Inn, Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire HR7 4HG

Great dance floor at the rear of the pub.

We have a jolly fine sound system.

Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire HR7 4HG

Find us on the main A465 nr Bromyard.

The Plough Inn, Stoke Lacy, HR7 4HG

Copyright © 2019-2025. Max Jive - all rights reserved

Photo at Pittville pump rooms courtesy of Ron Milsom Photography www.ronmilsomphotography.com

Photo at the Americana show, Cheltenham, thanks to GL Shooters