Dancing all over with Nicky, Mary, Racheal and Georgina


“I am glad I found dancing”

Moves Two-handed (LR RL)

Basket sway

Basket with 3 different turn outs.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

Basket sabotage

Follower gets a say.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

Back to back

Lots of ways to do the same basic move. Include pauses for effect.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level

Hammerlock Inverted

Hand positioning plays a big part in making this work smoothly.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty leveltrophy - difficulty level

Hammerlock Wheel

Will feel stightly awkward if not led carefully. Arms go behind your backs

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty leveltrophy - difficulty level

Hammerlock - tragic version

The hammerlock - tragic version. Thanks to a lady (Everlyn) who's first attempt at the hammerlock was bad beyond belief. Later, I realised that it was actually genius. A new move brought to you by MaxJive.

Flip right leg over left and keep both feet essentially in the same spot.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

Hallelujah lean

Easy lean

Simple addition to the Hallelujah.

You can't see behind you - don't over lean.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Lazy Octopus

Use when you are getting warm and follower has energy to spare. Leader can lean back and stay on the spot and follower will cover a quarter mile in a few moments.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Can be used mid dance or at the end. Make sure you put your leg out - else a tumble will ensue.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Lift Back to Back

Simple lift - fairly stable.

Music: Savik; The age of wood.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Noob move, but a great fill nevertheless. Leader will use this to give them time to think of the next move to do. Add pauses for effect.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


One elbow in. Salsa then Jive demo.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty leveltrophy - difficulty level

Push spin

Left and right handed. Video includes a flick spin and spin me too.

Track: Warriyo - Mortals (feat. Laura Brehm) #NoCopyrightSounds

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level


Salsa and blues-jive demo.

In blues-jive one can play with the move in any way you see fit.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level


Snowballing vs Octopus.
Same but different.
Snowballing = compact.
Octopus = travelling.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty level

Tango Infront Behind steps

Nice to dart in between others on the floor when a gap is available.

A Jive fusion example at the end.

Difficulty level: trophy - difficulty level


Forget about the naff lean with knees touching, this is the real thing. Me and Megan spent an age devising a balance like this with just one leg but were bedevilled by torsion issues. So, we plumped for this. Outside in light rain it was stunning looking up. This is highly dangerous on a dance floor. It might look easy, but one slight error will land you in A&E.

Difficulty level: scales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty levelscales - difficulty level

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The Plough Inn, Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire HR7 4HG

Great dance floor at the rear of the pub.

We have a jolly fine sound system.

Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire HR7 4HG

Find us on the main A465 nr Bromyard.

The Plough Inn, Stoke Lacy, HR7 4HG

Copyright © 2019-2025. Max Jive - all rights reserved

Photo at Pittville pump rooms courtesy of Ron Milsom Photography www.ronmilsomphotography.com

Photo at the Americana show, Cheltenham, thanks to GL Shooters